Published in January 2025.
Poets from the United States and beyond respond to the 2024 Presidential election. The poems are rooted in a belief that the incoming administration will not relieve or heal us from our nation’s past: the destruction of the environment, the unbridled use of power, the pervasive narrative that Black lives do not matter, patriarchy, reproductive injustice for women, silent support for the US prison-industrial complex, and the lack of compassion for diverse gender identity, immigrants, the indigenous, and unsheltered populations. The editorial team worked tirelessly for six weeks to publish this anthology before the January 20, 2025 inauguration.
Lead Editors:
Katie Sarah Zale
Paul E. Nelson
Editorial Board:
allia abdullah-matta
CChristy White
Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs
Robert Lashley
Roxi Power
Theresa Whitehill
Contains work by the following 107 contributors:
allia abdullah-matta
Nathalie Anderson
Keisha-Gaye Anderson
Cassandra Atherton & Paul
Deborah Bacharach
Kay Bell
Greg Bem
Byron Beynon
Alex Bleecker
Kim Brandon
Lise Breakey
Robert Bringhurst
Julian Brolaski
Mari Brown
Cherie Brown
Julie Bruck
Brad Buchanan
Nina Burokas
Lollie Butler
Terran Campbell
Catalina Cantu
Grace Cavalieri
Dane Cervine
Zachary Charles
Maxine Chernoff
Julia Chiapella
Matthew Cooperman
MTC Cronin
Roderick Deacey
Jim Dott
Susanne Dyckman
Joy Dubé
Veronica Eldredge
Martín Espada
Gloria Frym
Charles Goodrich
Lea Graham
Ann Graham-Walker
Lisa Grunberger
Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs
Kwaneta Harris
David Hellman
Brenda Hillman
Jasper Hoffman
Cynthia Hogue
Alicia Hokanson
Paul Hoover
JP Howard
Sean Howard
Judith Hoyer
Holly Hughes
Chyrel Jackson
W. Luther Jett
Stacey Jones
Aby Kaupang
Petra Kuppers
Robert Lashley
Bill Lavender
Scott Lawrance
Daniel W.K. Lee
David Lee
Rob Lewis
Anna Odessa Linzer
Dana Teen Lomax
Sandra Luber
John Maney
Cynthia Manick
Daphne Marlatt
Maria Masington
Lorin Medley
Joyce Meyers
Susan Miller
Lowell Murphree
David Navarro
Paul E Nelson
M.A. Nicholson
Steven Nolan
Mark Nowak
William O’Daly
Dion O’Reilly
Faith Paulsen
Jennifer M Phillips
Roxi Power
Angelica Recierdo
Elizabeth Robinson
Kit Robinson
Andrew Schelling
Mark Scroggins
Hilary Sideris
Richard Smyth
Monique Soria
Carla Stein
Chris Stroffolino
David Sullivan
Sharon Suzuki-Martinez
Cheryl Boyce Taylor
Rodrigo Toscano
Matt Trease
Marc Vincenz
Fred Wah
Theresa Whitehill
Nicole Yurcaba
Katie Sarah Zale
Aida Zilelian
With an afterword by Jason Wirth.
Paperback. $25. ISBN: 9781300704416
Order on Lulu or email me if you’d like to order a copy directly.