Upcoming Winter in America (Again Events

Excited to announce a couple additional events to be added to the list!

From Roxi Power:

San Francisco launch event on Saturday, March 1 from 7pm, for Winter in America (Again: Poets Respond to 2024 Election. Free. With Maxine Chernoff, Susanne Dyckman, Paul Hoover, Roxi Power, Elizabeth Robinson, and Kit Robinson. Et al. Books, 2831A Mission Street, San Francisco, 94110

“Bibliocracy” at KPFK Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles presents: Part 1 of a 4 part series on Winter in America (Again: Poets Respond to 2024 Election. Producer Andrew shares from two recent celebratory book launch readings titled “Inauguration Alternatives” featuring introductions by the anthology’s editors and publisher, and selected readings by contributors. Tune in here for the podcast. Or tune here Thursdays 2:30pm for the live radio show, Feb. 6, 13, 20, and 27.

Head over to the events page to learn more.