Carbonation Press FAQs

What type of books does Carbonation Press publish?

Carbonation Press is less concerned with genre, form, and theme, and more concerned with length. The books Carbonation published tend to be between 75 and 125 pages, more or less to be considered. We’re curious about texts that are longer than the typical “chapbook” and shorter than the typical “full length.”

How can I submit my manuscript to Carbonation Press?

Currently unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. You can submit your manuscript to Carbonation Press through our website’s submission form on the main page. Consider the length of the work to match the 75-125 page range. Note that new guidelines and requirements may get introduced and may change over time.

Is Carbonation Press a business?

Carbonation is neither a business nor a non-profit organization. It is a special project by the poet and librarian Greg Bem. There is no goal to profit over this project. It may change over time, but the ultimate goal is community-based publishing.

Why do you print limited runs?

Mostly because of money. Without a business model, the budget for projects is very limited. Ultimately the books will be sold by a combination of the authors and the publisher, and the sales for the publisher will be exclusively used to further additional titles and print runs.

So how exactly does the publishing process work?

Following an initial agreement between the publisher and the author to publish a manuscript, the publisher will work to create the book design, and an agreement will be co-created (starting with a template from the publisher). The publisher will cover all up-front costs for the print run and an agreed number of the 30 copies will be shipped to the author, and the others will be shipped to the publisher. The author will have full control over their copies.

What about rights and intellectual property?

Unless the author prefers a Creative Commons (open) license, the work will be published with typical copyright information; however, the author will retain all rights to the work and will be able to republish the work at any point.

Additionally, the print-on-demand options for the title can be canceled at any point on behalf of the author.

Will you help me edit my manuscript?

Due to lack of resources, only limited editing will be provided for manuscripts. Submissions should be near their end state at the time of submission. Some formatting may be required to meet the dimensions of the physical book.

Can images be included in Carbonation releases?

Yes, books with pictures are to be expected!

Will the books be in black and white or in color?

There will be options for black and white and color, with color covers being the default for each title.

What printer does Carbonation use?

Currently is the printer. Different printers may be explored in the future.

Where can I buy a Carbonation release?

Our books are available via their authors or via the Press in Spokane. Global distribution is available for most Carbonation books, making them available via various online retailers. Contact us if you would like a copy mailed to you. Postage is $5 for 1-3 books.